Welcome to Viva!’s Supporter’s Discount Club! Browse our amazing directory of vegan and vegan-friendly business listings for tons of discounts and special offers on vegan places to eat and drink, stay and shop!

As a Viva! supporter you can save money at over 200 vegan-friendly businesses in the UK and worldwide through our exclusive Supporter’s Discount Club

Each and every club member has kindly provided Viva! supporters with fantastic discounts on weekend breaks, meals out, alternative therapies, health foods and more, enabling you to save yourself £££’s at home and on holiday throughout the year.

To take advantage, simply present your supporter card when paying, mention that you’re a Viva! supporter when booking or use the discount code provided.

* Please note a password will be required to gain access to our supporter discount list – you can obtain this by joining Viva! and you will receive the password in your supporter pack.